January 4, 2015

I’ll get straight to it: A few short years ago, our best family friend, J, cooked an unfortunate chocolate pie in an effort to woo me closer to her. I would not say that it back fired because I could never love her less…..but the pie was far below her usual culinary standards.
Fast forward to earlier this year. Mi madre, Karen, started talking about her pies and how good they are. In the fewest words possible: War was born.
So on this year’s Christmas eve, we sang our carols and raced back to K’s house to begin our pie-off of 2014. Each pie was slaved over for the majority of the day, so it was a pretty fair fight.
Kelly moderated the civilized battle. She labeled each pie and readied all plates with each. Everyone participated and gave their honest opinion. In the end, a victor was crowned.
*Disclaimer: we did decide, not to weaken the blow, that the victory pie was chosen due to individual taste preference. The winning pie was a little more rich….turns out the majority prefer it, though!

//It’s all fun and games before the pies are served//

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//The score has been settled //

©Meredith-June Photography (31 of 73)




  1. […] like last year, there was a clear winner, but not everyone chose the same cheesecake. Most voters chose the […]

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