July 14, 2014

This post is FILLED with images, so I will keep the text as short as possible!
Since I’ve just started my blog, I wanted to do a ‘catch up’ post of my adventures with my good friend, Lauren. This is the very one who opened my eyes to photography first. Here’s the story: we met in class while I was going back for COMM and she had recently made the change from the Art Institute. We were in every class together and really just clicked.
*I should mention, we were a trio, with our other friend Staci – HI STACI!
Somehow it came up that L was a photographer. So we planned a shoot and had a great time. A short time later, a friend became engaged and, perhaps on a whim, asked me to photograph her engagement pictures (along with soon to be sister in law).
SO, I did.
THEN a week later, another friend asked me to do a love shoot for her and her partner.
SO, I did.
And I can tell you when I took the exact photo that day and how it really pushed me over the edge. {I’ll write on that another time.} I bought my own DSLR the next week and haven’t been able to stop since.
It’s been incredible having Lauren as a friend because we can spend time practicing together, working on and with each other, and growing closer. She was so kind to me when I first started and shared knowledge, but gave me lots of room to experiment and learn for myself.
Below are play days ranging from late fall 2013 -> just last month!




  1. […] LOVE getting into all kinds of photo fun with Lauren! We made plans to go to dinner this weekend BUT it wouldn’t be an L+M get […]

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