January 3, 2015

I did it! I successfully completed my first Project 365 this past year. I gotta say, I’m pretty proud of myself. It wasn’t easy.
I talked about it in my first post but I will give a quick recap:
I first started it just as something fun to do. I wanted to see if I could follow through. I had few ‘rules’ and just aimed to take a photo a day. I did many on my phone and I’m okay with that. A lot of times I hoped to document where I was or what I did. Sometimes I used a photo from a MJP session. Sometimes it was a selfie because it happened to be the only photo from the day. And of course there were nights I’d get up after laying down because I realized I had to take a photo.
But the fulfillment that the project has brought has been sooooo rewarding. I love how I can literally see growth in my images. I also love how a lot of growth came in the spring. So the whole growing warmer, growing life, growing ME thing…that’s neat. The year held so many things I did expect…but so many that I didn’t. I love that I can turn and see those things in my images.
I have decided to do another. I will be sure to post about it soon!
Below are a few of my favorites from the whole year!! They are in their chronological order. 15-36551-36565-36592-365112|365119|365Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset137|365141|365149|365152|365158|365173|365178|365183|365185|365186|365188|365191|365194|365201|365215|365218|365222|365223|365231|365246|365250|365257|365264|365271|365273|365307|365311|365314|365322|365323|365325|365332|365334|365335|365336|365346|465349|365353|365354|365357|365362|365364|365365|365




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