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Here you will find images and information from my recent sessions. Scroll down to find different blog post categories. Please make yourself comfy, have a look around, and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Arjun Turns One | Outdoor One Year and Family Session

Light the candles and cut the cake because Arjun turns one in a few short days! This one year session with family was so much fun! Arjun’s parents are pros at running, playing and getting the best smiles from their baby boy! We had gorgeous sunny weather the day of Arjun’s one year session… a […]


July 30, 2019

Baby Girl Eva | Newborn with Family Photo Session

Baby girl Eva was perfection during her newborn session with her family! She is such doll who has the most beautiful skin, loves to snuggle and be held by her family! I was lucky enough to get some shots with her eyes wide open! I was so impressed with her eye contact at such a […]


July 30, 2019

Waiting for Baby Robinson | Charlotte Maternity Photographer

Hello from MJP studio where we are patiently waiting for baby Robinson to arrive!! I can’t wait to meet this sweet baby. This family is full of life and joy and I had a blast doing their maternity session. Baby Robinson is going to have amazing parents and one awesome big brother! I honestly feel […]


July 26, 2019

Amora’s Sitter Session | Baby Girl Turns Six Months Old

Let me just tell you guys a secret… Amora’s sitter session has my entire heart!! Adorable doesn’t even begin to describe this girl! She has the brightest eyes, the squishiest cheeks and a curious mind! Amora loves to crinkle her little nose and play with her toes. (That sounds like a nursery rhyme ha!!) She […]


July 25, 2019

Zoey turns 7 Months | Sitter Session in Meredith June Photography Studio

You guys…. Zoey turns 7 months in a few short days!! How is it possible that these kiddos grow so fast!? They aren’t kidding when they say time flies when you’re having fun because we had a blast at Zoey’s sitter session in the studio. This girl was a gem. She made eye contact, giggled, […]


July 25, 2019

Ryann’s Sitter Session | Charlotte NC Milestone Photographer

Ryann’s sitter session is possibly one of the cutest galleries you will ever see! She loved to giggle and play with her little toes. But what she loved the most was cuddles from her big sis! They were the most adorable dynamic duo you will ever see! I know they will grow up to be […]


July 25, 2019

Newborn Baby Tanner | Charlotte Area Newborn Photographer

Newborn baby Tanner has finally arrived! She has the softest skin and a full head of beautiful hair! Miss Tanner was so great during her session! She slept the entire time and even gave me some dreamy smiles! I am so lucky my paths crossed with this baby girl and her sweet family. I am […]


July 25, 2019

Murphy Jane Turns One | Baby Girl Cake Smash Session

Miss Murphy Jane turns one in a few days and she is all smiles and ready to celebrate! She wasn’t crazy about the cake, but she LOVED being in front of the camera! Murphy Jane had a lot of personality for me to work with which made the day so easy and fun! Her parents […]


July 19, 2019

I'll be in touch soon. In the mean time, feel free to connect with me here...