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Here you will find images and information from my recent sessions. Scroll down to find different blog post categories. Please make yourself comfy, have a look around, and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Olan | Charlotte One Year Photo Session

Olan is ONE and we had a blast during his one year photo session. This little guy totally stole my heart and I am a little obsessed with him …his outfit…his smile…his pictures. Sometimes with one year sessions, you never know what the little one’s mood will be. Some of them laugh and have a […]


June 4, 2016

Happy Birthday, Luke | Charlotte Fresh 48 Photographer

The day had finally arrived! The Hunt family welcomed their second little boy and I was elated to capture him on his first day in the new world, ‘fresh 48 stye.’ Little Luke was born April 13, 2016 at 7 lbs, 7 oz. and I couldn’t be happier for my dear friend and her family. Photographing […]


April 29, 2016

Family Photos with Happy Boys | Charlotte Photographer

How am I just now blogging this session for everyone to see? These four were SO MUCH FUN when we met last fall for their family photos and I am going to see them again this week for their little guy’s one year photo session and cake smash. I can’t wait! Even though mom and dad were […]


April 23, 2016

Charlotte's Best Limo Service

Hey hey…we take a break from our regularly broadcasted topics to offer a quick tip. In need of a limo service for your next event? A driver for the bridal party; DD for a night without the kids; a fancy touch to a special day with the visiting in laws. Check out Charlotte Limo! They’ve got a great […]


April 21, 2016

Peach Tree Beauties | Spring family photos

I have been looking forward to these peach trees blooming since the fall and they did not disappoint! Spring family photos are so refreshing after the winter. These three are always so much fun and perfectly dressed. Even though these girls are pretty young, mom just plays and interacts with them, so their smiles are […]


April 9, 2016

Introducing Michael | Charlotte Newborn Photography

How sweet is this little face? I loved meeting baby Michael for his newborn photos and he did so great! He was a little over 2 weeks old…right around 17 days when he came to my studio in Charlotte, but he was so sleepy and curly, so that is perfection in my book! Interested in […]


April 7, 2016

Harper is One! | Cake Smash

You know that phrase, “I can’t even” ….well, I can’t even. Sweet little Harper is just too much. Too cute…too sweet…too happy…too into her cake, or not, but that’s not what’s important here. I definitely need a huge print or canvas of her STAT for my studio. While planning her cake smash with mom, she really stressed that she […]


April 3, 2016

Springtime Pregnancy Pictures | Charlotte Maternity

When there is a two year old involved, you know the maternity session is going to be high energy and fun and this little guy absolutely lived up to that. He is keeping his expecting mama busy but his personality is just awesome! I died inside when he hugged his sister and talked about her […]


March 27, 2016

I'll be in touch soon. In the mean time, feel free to connect with me here...