It was so much fun getting to meet this family last week! I have been in contact with mom for a couple of months but we had to reschedule their spring time session, so when we found a date and made it work, it was like the stars aligned! Their little girl is the absolute […]
I was so excited to photograph my good friend Amanda’s maternity images lake side in Georgia last week! We met earlier this year during a newborn workshop that we were so fortunate to attend. Ever since, we have talked non-stop about my traveling down to visit, meet her family, and do a few maternity photos. We had […]
Meeting a newborn baby for their photo sessions just a short time after shooting their parent’s maternity photos is the best! I was so excited when sweet baby girl Amal visited my studio and showed off her beautiful hair. Amal is the smallest baby I have photographed so far, weighing just 5 lbs at birth. […]
Baby Cloe was so amazing! Not only is she totally winning cutest baby, but she was just the sweetest and happiest newborn I’ve ever met. It was so exciting getting to meet her after photographing her family’s maternity session earlier this year. I kept saying I thought Cloe and her big sister looked alike and […]
Maternity photos are so very special. I just love knowing that when this baby girl gets older, she will get to see how loved she was by her family before she even arrived. Big brother is so adorable and will be so great with her. We got to do their session at their home and it was […]
I had the opportunity to photograph sweet Mary-Creighton for her 6 month baby photos last month and we had a blast. You might not know this, but growing baby girls (or baby boys for that matter), might come off as smiley little statues in their photos, but in real life they are wiggly! I have to […]
When the Saxena family told me they wanted to commemorate their baby‘s birth location with doing maternity photos in the city, I was so excited! I talked before about being anxious to shoot uptown in this family’s post, but this time around I was totally game and excited! I love how you can photograph at pretty […]
I loved photographing this beautiful mommy-to-be as she nears closer and closer to meeting her sweet baby this summer. We had such a nice evening, with it being so hot and such heavy air out lately, so we really lucked out! This maternity gown looks so perfect on her and gorgeously compliments the most important part […]