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Here you will find images and information from my recent sessions. Scroll down to find different blog post categories. Please make yourself comfy, have a look around, and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!


Baby Boy Turns One | Blue and White Cake Smash Photo Session

Another baby boy turns one at MJP and we celebrated big with a blue and white cake smash session! I was so excited when a message came through from the Vanleer family wanting to schedule photos for their little guy. I’ve been working with this family for a long time and they are always a […]


August 3, 2023

Baby Girl Turns 9 Months | Milestone Photos in Charlotte, NC

This adorable baby girl turns 9 months in a few short days! This is such a fun age for me to capture. At 9 months, your babies are coming into their own personality, make direct eye contact and much more mobile! I am often asked what my most common photographed milestones are. I would say […]


July 31, 2023

Six Month Milestone Session | Baby Boy Photos in Charlotte, NC

I can’t believe I have taken this little guys six month milestone session photos! The Bukowski family reached out to me when their baby was 3 months old. They signed him up for the MJP Baby Plan and here we are a few months later photographing more milestones! I already have him scheduled for his […]


June 29, 2023

Turning Two Years Old | 2 Year Old Pictures for Baby Girl

This cutie is turning two years old in a few short days and we got to celebrate with the sweetest 2 year old photo session! This girly loved her stuffed animals and smiling for the camera. 2 year old sessions are so much fun because their personalities are so big, they’re able to communicate and […]


March 15, 2023

Archi’s First Birthday Photos | Earth Tone Cake Smash Session

Archi’s first birthday photos were so much fun! This little guy has the cutest head full of red hair, a precious personality and wonderful parents who love him so much! I’m so excited to share this cake smash because we get to see the best of all the worlds. We started the session in my […]


March 3, 2023

Baby Benjamin Turns One | Cake Smash in Charlotte, NC

Baby Benjamin turns one in a few short days! We celebrated early at my studio with a big boy cake smash! I can hardly believe how big Ben is getting. This little guy is on the MJP baby plan, so I’ve been able to do his newborn, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year photos! […]


February 23, 2023

Earth Tones Cake Smash | Baby Boy Photographer in Charlotte, NC

Ya’ll, I have been dying to share this earth tones cake smash session with you! This little guy was absolutely adorable and had a blast playing with his first birthday cake! The simple details of the session are what make it so dreamy. Make sure to stick around to hear all about the magic! Mom […]


October 28, 2022

4 Month Milestone | Baby Girl Photographer in Charlotte, NC

Oh how I love 4 month milestone sessions! This is such a good age to do photos. If you aren’t keen on newborn sessions, 3-4 month milestone sessions are another great option to capture those baby stages. But you’re also able to capture their personality, they’re making direct eye contact and can start to push […]


September 17, 2022

I'll be in touch soon. In the mean time, feel free to connect with me here...